Saturday, February 21, 2009

Join RIASpace!

Some of us have set up an Adobe User Group called "RIASpace". The intention of setting up this User Group is to bring the "Rich people" together! Nah, not "rich" money-wise, but, "rich" as in "Rich Internet Application" and "Rich Internet Advertising". Share views, knowledge and whatever you would like in this Space. You could be a designer, developer or webpage specialists or even one of those "in-betweens" like me. Join RIASpace now!


Most of us in typical traditional advertising claim that we are not as "big" a developer as the regular developer. With the evolving advertising industry and stress on user involvement in this industry, I am sure things will change.. they are already! This is also the reason, we would be stressing a bit more on "Rich Advertising" and "effective user experience". If you have anything to share in this regard, please feel free to share.

As far as regular application development goes, we'd be talking about that too. So, anything in this regard is welcome too.

Currently, the User Group consists of designers, developers, project managers and HTML specialists. Some familiar with programming and others not so much into it. Hence, please keep your presentations and words a little less "jargonistic".




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