I should have typed this entry up a few days (today-10 Sept. Days ago) ago, but, my mind was full of other things and felt really tired and worn out after some travelling and a good deal of work.
Looking back at my life and also looking at the way things are at the moment, I should say it has been good going so far! I haven't achieved the ultimate dream as yet, but, getting there slowly and surely. Of course, the dream kept changing throughout my life – from being a luxury bus driver to an automobile designer to a chartered accountant and what not! Along the way, I did achieve some small victories, but, the ultimate dream - remains!
A few days ago, I watched some kids play cricket on the streets. I wished I was a kid once again, but then, I thought of Math and Algebra..YAAA! that shook me back to reality..I have a well-balanced life, a supportive family, a lovely sweet wife, a job in a good company, a brat of a pooch, an instalment (Fiat) of my dream car and what not. There always remains that urge to do better and do things differently. It can't be controlled. The good things of it, I have in my agenda the rest goes into the grave. At 30, these things come and go. It is too early to start those funny habits of middle-age crisis. I hope I am always as normal (yup!) as I am.
Sometimes I wonder how different things would have been, if, I had really continued with my business studies and commerce. I guess I would have become the stock broker I wanted to be at that time. Successful at first, but, in pain during these hard times. I could have become a chartered accountant and done some serious pen-pushing, sitting in a cabin or one of those exclusive cubicles. I would have been damn serious about every penny and never got all those things I have now. Well, if I went ahead with my early dreams of becoming a bus driver or a vet, things would have been different too. The bottom-line always remains – Life, health and money. I started somewhere and ended up somewhere else. It has been quite an uphill climb to get where I am. To come in from a business background to computers and software is very tough. I guess I have achieved what many engineers haven't. It is a proud moment and I am really happy for it. Most people in the family and friendship circles think I've had it easy. Not so! I didn't really show it out.
As I climbed through the echelons, I discovered new passions and interests, but the focus has never been lost. I never wanted to be a guy in a cabin, travelling in a fancy car and getting a massive pay check. I've always wanted to remain with technology and people and not really dive to the depth of management.
As we grow up, we have those personal targets – get settled, get married, have kids..live it out! I wasn't really interested in getting married for reasons. All that changed when I met this girl (now my wife!). You could say that I was bowled over by her smile and her simplicity. Something in me said – "Dude, it is time to get married and live happily ever after!" I listened to that voice. It is now a year and Man! It's been awesome! We've both grown more responsible and stuff. Then, Mr. Snoops came in and things became more awesome. He has a big fan club and can become the president of the pooch club! And then came the Red Beast - the real Flash of Scarlet. Things now rock! We've had a few tough times, but, that a part of getting into the groove.