I have been offline (from home) for sometime now and the whole experience with the Reliance WiMax connection has been terrible. I have had this connection for about 15 days now and have been able to use it for only about 3 days. This really sucks, especially, if you have big plans like me – the "after I get broadband at home" list.
Till about last week, I was able to get an IP, if I waited for around for about 3 hrs. Now, its more like NEVER! Tech support sucks too. They take you through the usual routine – Start > Run > type "Cmd" > ipconfig /all, ipconfig /release (some people add this..dunno for what effect!), ipconfig /renew. Oh yeah! there is also the power off the PPOE device and the restart the machine thing! Another common term I used to hear – "teething problems". If you did have teething problems, you would give out so many connections. Surely, the public will most certainly jump into the whole thing when they hear about it.
I should have got the usual broadband connected with wires, but, I had heard good reviews about the WiMax connection and decided to jump into the bandwagon. The connection is really good..if.. you get the IP address...that is! Mine is a 300KBPS Unlimited option and I get about 50KBPS download rate on an average. Somehow, all that seems like a dream now. I am having to fallback on my Mobile GPRS connection to check my emails and browse a bit. I will wait till the weekend. If(status=="problem not solved){ actionUnsubscribe=true}
The development continues. It has been slow and I hit upon some new stuff to include. This was something I was working on a long time ago. A utility called IAD (Interactive Advertisement). That has now become obsolete, considering the amount of change the media has been through. But, along the same lines, I am building an add-on, which would enable users to control template based ads on their sites. These adverts will be configurable to an extent and make life a lot easier for people who have signed up as affiliates or anything of that sort. Yeah, advertising seems to have become a fad with me. I work in a advert company... DUHHH!
Also, I am considering changing the engine of my content management console a bit. I kinda hit a road block with it. I guess it has more to do with reusing bits of code from the old Spark versions. So, the old AS2 migrated code needs to be redone from scratch using AS 3.0. L
I will have a complete list of features up soon. I still have to complete the calculations J